Bhusampada is organic certified soil conditioner, full of organic matter and organic nutrients. Bhusampada releases humic & fulvic acid which helps in:Root zone chelation, Improves structure & texture of the soil, Buffering action, Sodium management.
Bhusampada releases Humic and Fulvic acid which helps in:
- Root zone chelation: Chelates metals (microelement) nearby root zone, enabling them to be absorbed by the roots.
- Sodium management:-Neutralises excess sodium in the soil, which can causes toxicity to roots & plants as a whole.
- Buffering action: Helps to buffering nitrogen in the soil, thereby helps to avoid leaching losses.
- Improves structure & texture of the soil: It helps in more aeration, more oxygen supply. It helps in vigorous growth of roots &plants.
- Increases soil fertility.
- Increases humus content.
- Breaks up unproductive clay soils and turns into productive soils.
- Increases soil micro flora.
- Increase microbial activity.
- Accelerate seed germination.
- Enable reduction of frost damage.
- Make available other major nutrients.
- Stimulates plant enzymes and hormones.
- Eco-friendly.
- Water soluble, easy to apply, economical and fast action.
- 100% soluble in water.
- It is alkaline in nature.
Doses & time of applications:
Drenching applications: 5 to 10 gm per litter of water (approx 100 to 250 gm per acre)
- First Drench — peak vegetative growth.
- Second Drench – At the time of flowering.
- Third Drench – At the time of fruit development.
Soil application: 250 to 500 gm per acre
- First Application – At the time of sowing /Transplanting/plantation
- Second Application – 30 days after 1st application.
How to use:
- Bhusamapda Can be mix with organic bio fertilizer as well as chemical fertilizer.
- Bhusamapda Can be given through drip irrigation.
- Bhusamapda can be given by mixing in dry soil.
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